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Function of the different A-dec(R) Cartridges in Century Plus(R)

Posted in: Delivery System Parts

Red cartridge is the water relay for the block.  Think of it as a Clippard valve, it gets a signal from the foot control that activates the water flow through the block.  A-dec(R) #38.0520.00  DCI PN 9169

Blue cartridge is a check valve for the flush water.  It allows flush water through it but prevents coolant water from back flowing into adjacent blocks.  A-dec® #38.0518.00  DCI PN 9168

Brass cartridge is the holdback air bleed.  It has a very small hole through it (.005 in) that feeds a restricted flow of air into the top cap and to the holder valve.  A-dec® #38.0517.00  DCI PN 9167

A-dec® and Century Plus® are registered trademarks of A-dec, Inc.  DCI has no affiliation with A-dec and A-dec has not authorized DCI replacement parts to be used on or in connection with A-dec® products.

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